Support & Maintenance

Unlike many software development companies, Tier 2 offers a range of post-implementation support & maintenance services, all with defined service levels (up to 24/7).

coworkers in a business meeting

Flexible Support Options

We offer a flexible range of support & maintenance services for your custom software – providing assurance that defects can be rectified, and enhancements and upgrades can be delivered, within pre-agreed timescales.

a flexible range of support & maintenance services for your custom software

Insurance Policy Support

Providing unlimited support with tightly defined service levels (including 24/7) for a fixed annual cost to provide budget certainty.

Insurance policy support icon

Service Credits

A call-off support and maintenance agreement, with a minimum monthly retainer based on the support response service levels required.

Illustration of a customer support agent

Backstop Support

Following a structured handover of code, we provide 3rd line support and knowledge transfer for your internal support team while they build familiarity with the custom solution.

illustration of user testing

Maximise your software investment with Tier 2 Consulting’s post-project support