Easy Installation with Red Hat OpenShift 4

Red Hat OpenShift is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform with full-stack automated operations to manage hybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments, improving developer productivity and promoting innovation. The third in our OpenShift “Quick-wins” series, this Easy Installation with OpenShift 4 webinar will discuss the requirements for a basic OpenShift installation on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and then demonstrate the ease with which the OpenShift cluster can be stood up ready for use.
While OpenShift can be deployed on a variety of platforms – including Azure, IBM Cloud, Google Cloud and VMWare – AWS is one of the most popular. AWS is a high-performance, scalable, and comprehensive cloud platform that provides the availability, elasticity, and agility needed to run modern and existing applications. Together, Red Hat OpenShift and AWS provide a Kubernetes platform that supports existing and cloud-ready applications with streamlined access to AWS services.
During this 45-minute webinar, one of our consultants will describe OpenShift installation / configuration considerations for AWS. The consultant will demonstrate the AWS set-up required – for example API keys, tools and the custom installation manifest – and then use automated deployment to stand up the OpenShift cluster. Finally, we will end the demo by deploying a sample application to the cluster.
The webinar is an ideal reference point if you:
- Want to get OpenShift up and running but are not familiar with the various installation options available
- Want to understand specific OpenShift / AWS considerations
- Are considering a short OpenShift pilot / proof-of-concept exercise