Red Hat JBoss EAP Health Checks
JBoss EAP Healthcheck
As a Red Hat Premier Business Partner specialising in middleware technologies, our JBoss Certified Application Administrators are experts in the installation and configuration of Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (JBoss EAP) environments to meet all deployment considerations, including those requiring security-hardening and high-availability.
Tier 2 Consulting has over a decade of hands-on experience with JBoss EAP and a deep understanding of the evolutions that have come with each iteration. As the only Red Hat Premier Partner for Middleware Solutions in the UK and Ireland we are the go-to partners for your JBoss EAP Healthcheck.
Why do I need a JBoss EAP Healthcheck?
Red Hat makes it easy to install JBoss EAP based on default configurations, but this is rarely appropriate for production environments. For example, you may need to:
- Validate your JBoss installation against recognised best practices before going live
- Ensure that your JBoss servers are ‘hardened’ to meet specific security requirements
- Determine whether performance or stability of your application(s) may be improved by changes to the JBoss configuration, including clustering and high-availability
Put simply, our EAP Health Check service is designed to ensure that your JBoss EAP installation and configuration is it for purpose.
How do we do it?
The exact scope depends upon specific objectives and application requirements, although a “typical” JBoss EAP Health Check may include:
1. Configuration review and documentation:
- JBoss EAP standalone configuration (e.g. custom config files, deployments, interfaces, ports, startup scripts)
- JBoss EAP subsystem configuration (e.g. logging, JVM, data-sources, web connectors, thread pools, security domains, JMS)
- JBoss EAP domain configuration (as above plus hosts, server groups and servers)
- JBoss EAP clustering configuration (e.g. JGroups protocol stack, infinispan cache settings, mod_cluster)
- Apache load balancing configuration (e.g. mod_cluster, mod_jk)
- Security hardening (e.g. securing unused access points, masking cleartext passwords, use of SSL)
- Use of monitoring tools (e.g. CLI, JConsole, JBoss Operations Network
2. Definition of recommended changes and best practices
3. Review, finalise and agree next steps
How long does it take?
Typically 3-5 days, depending upon scope and number of JBoss environments.