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The Future of Red Hat Fuse: End of Life and Beyond!

Discover the future of Red Hat’s integration solution Fuse, beyond end-of-life.

Are you looking at your Fuse upgrade and migration options? We can help! Tier 2’s Red Hat integration experts can help you understand the potential effort and costs. Claim your free consultation call today.

Red Hat Fuse Free Consultation Call

Red Hat Fuse: Your Options

From July 2024, Red Hat Fuse v7 – based on open-source technologies such as Apache Camel and ActiveMQ – will reach end-of-life. This will signal the end of Fuse as a product, meaning it will no longer be developed and maintained by Red Hat.

Users wishing to continue with Fuse support must purchase an Extended Life Support (ELS) subscription. Not only will ELS expire at the end of June 2026, but ELS will double the cost of existing Fuse subscriptions.

As part of Red Hat’s drive towards modern hybrid cloud and cloud-native architectures, Red Hat is evolving its product offering from Red Hat Fuse to Red Hat build of Apache Camel. Customers are encouraged to migrate to the new product offering to ensure their investment in Camel-based integrations is secure through continued Red Hat product development, support and maintenance.

Tier 2 is currently assisting customers to migrate to the new product set. While every integration is unique, in general, there are two major considerations when moving away from Red Hat Fuse:

  1. Under the new product range, the deployment approach for applications has changed – no longer are they deployed within a Fuse application server; now they are deployed as standalone applications;
  2. Fuse integrations are all currently based on Camel v2.x – they should now be upgraded to use Camel v3.x or 4.x.

Customer Success Story: Red Hat Fuse upgrade and migration

Tier 2 is the only Red Hat Premier Middleware Partner in the UK and Ireland and has extensive experience in helping organisations design, develop, upgrade and migrate Fuse and Camel-based integrations – including to Red Hat’s Kubernetes-based OpenShift Container platform.

Explore our customer case study with Motability Operations – the largest vehicle finance organisation in the UK – and discover how we upgraded their Fuse, modernised their applications, and migrated their data and applications out of data centres and onto the cloud.

MO Migrate to the Cloud with Tier 2 [PDF]

How can Tier 2 help?

If you are an existing user of Red Hat Fuse and would like to understand your upgrade/migration options and potential effort and costs, please get in touch to arrange a free-of-charge consultation with one of our Red Hat integration experts.

Red Hat Fuse Free Consultation Call