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Red Hat OpenShift & The Fast-Moving Monolith (Application Migration)

tier 2 - the fast moving monolith

Fast-moving monolith webinar (EAP on OpenShift)

Much of the promise of Red Hat OpenShift tends to be medium-long term – for example, the benefits of cloud-native development approaches require a re-think of architecture.

However, there are immediate benefits to be gained by re-hosting existing applications – the application architecture remains unchanged, but the applications have a “new life” on a modern deployment platform:

  • shortened release cycle / zero downtime deployments
  • simplified deployment processes
  • reduced operational costs

Click on the image to re-run our webinar – during which we will demonstrate the steps required to migrate an existing application, from a traditional JEE container, into Red Hat OpenShift, and configure it to access remote services (such as a RDBMS).

The webinar is an ideal reference point if:

  • You want to containerise your application
  • You want the benefits of Red Hat OpenShift but you’re not quite ready for full modernisation (i.e. micro services)
  • You have existing monolithic JEE applications but you don’t know how to go about moving them to the cloud
  • You’re starting with either source code or a pre-built JEE artefact
  • You want to migrate your existing JBoss configuration into Red Hat OpenShift and you want to configure your application for different environments