Red Hat OpenShift & The Fast-Moving Monolith (Deployment Pipelines)

Red Hat OpenShift & The Fast-Moving Monolith (Deployment Pipelines)
Red Hat OpenShift provides a platform to simplify and shorten the application deployment process. Key to this – and critical for supporting CI/CD – is the implementation of a deployment pipeline. This is an automated process that drives software through a path of building, testing, and deploying code. Automating the process provides the following benefits:
- simplified process: “push-button” deployment
- reduction in manual errors
- consistency: the same (tested) image of the application is promoted through all environments
- ability to externalise environment-specific configurations
Click on the image to re-run our webinar – during which we will demonstrate the steps required to create a fully-automated deployment pipeline in Red Hat OpenShift. We will leverage OpenShift’s templating capabilities to provision the necessary Kubernetes objects, and CI/CD tools such as Jenkins to provide push-button deployment of a consistent and immutable application image through multiple environments, whilst applying environment-specific configuration at each stage
The webinar is an ideal reference point if:
- You want push-button deployment of your applications
- You want to automate the process of promoting applications through different environments
- You want to manage access permissions within your environments
- You want to integrate CI/CD tooling in your Red Hat OpenShift platform
- You want to automate the creation of Red Hat OpenShift objects, such as deployment configurations, services and routes